About Us

About Iran Focus

Iran Focus is an independent non-profit news service provider that focuses on events in Iran, Iraq and the Middle East. With a network of specialists and analysts of the region and correspondents and reporters in several countries, Iran Focus is able to provide fast and reliable exclusive news and analysis on the political, social and economic situation in Iran and its effects on the region.

Iran Focus is dedicated to providing comprehensive, up-to-date information and news on the Persian Gulf region in a fair and balanced manner. We provide a wide array of daily news, weekly and special feature packages, commentary, news analysis, and investigative reporting. We have a newly-launched section on Life in Iran in which we will publish accounts of the lives of ordinary Iranians of all walks of life. We soon plan to launch a multimedia section. Through editorial initiatives and access to opposition sources, our stories offer an insight into the complex situation in Iran and the Persian Gulf region that is indispensable to scholars, journalists, politicians, business people and all those interested in this sensitive part of the world.

We hope our services give you a new perspective on major developments in the region. Our editors welcome your comments and suggestions. Story inquiries and other comments may be directed to:  info@iranfocus.com